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Sell Your Car to a Salvage Yard in a Jacksonville East Today

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Copart Direct Jacksonville East

5007 New Kings Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32209

Sell Your car in any condition
Running or not we'll buy your car today

Easy 3 step process:

  1. Get an offer
  2. Accept offer & Set-up pick up
  3. Get paid

Get cash for your car, Jacksonville! Copart Direct buys used, junk or wrecked vehicles and gives you cash. We'll tow your car from your home, office, body shop for free and hand over a check in as little as 24 hours.

Get more money to surf your way around Jacksonville Beach or splurge for a membership at one of Jacksonville's gorgeous golf clubs. It's up to you how you'll spend your extra cash when you sell your car, Jacksonville. 

All Copart Direct Florida Locations